Migration, Diaspora, and Mnemonic Solidarity
The migration-memory nexus in the human and social sciences has traditionally been conceptualized to analyze the role of collective and individual memory in shaping the migration experience, particularly in terms of ethno-national belonging. Less attention has been paid to the possible forms of inter-diasporic solidarity involving memory practices. However, recent contributions in memory and diaspora studies have focused on how vernacular memories increasingly entangle with other memories, in an ongoing process of deterritorialization and reterritorialization within a post-national, global memory framework.
This seminar aims to discuss, from various perspectives and in different diasporic contexts, the role memory plays in diasporic practices related to exile, border crossing, and return. It will also explore how different diasporas interact in sharing their transnational cultural memories and developing forms of cultural solidarity.
A reception will follow the event.
Presented by the Zolberg Institute on Migration and Mobility at The New School for Social Research, Horizon MSCA Global Fellowship “MEMODIAS. Memory Practices of the Afghan and Somali Diasporas in the USA and Italy” (funded by the European Union), the New University in Exile Consortium, and Università degli Studio di Milano.