On November 8, 2019, The University of Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne held a conference entitled “Regions, Frontieres, Migrations: Les Mobilites Etudiantes En Question” [“Regions, Borders, Migration: Student Mobility in Question”]. Cem Özatalay and his colleagues presented their talk, entitled “Expériences des étudiant.e.s en échange Erasmus (France – Turquie): retour sur une enquête collective” [“Experiences of students in Erasmus exchange: Return to Collective Research”].
The “Regions, Frontieres, Migrations” conference brought together the results of a survey on the impact of the political and economic crises on student mobility between France and Turkey, with work on the effects of student mobility on regionalization processes and the socio-spatial inequalities hollowed out by these mobilities.
The conference program is linked here.