Consortium Scholar, Dr. Gubad Ibadoghlu, Arrested and Detained in Azerbaijan

On July 23, 2023, an Azerbaijani economist and member of the New University in Exile Consortium, Dr. Gubad Ibadoghlu, was violently arrested and detained in Baku.
On November 16, 2023: The Court has extended Dr. Ibadoghlu’s pretrial detention through February 24, 2024. He is at risk of serious medical complications and has not received appropriate medical care.
On October 12, 2023, the New University in Exile Consortium hosted “The Suppression of Academic Voices,” featured esteemed speakers, Judith Butler, Michael Ignatieff, Steven Pinker, and Kenneth Roth, with an introduction by The New School’s President, Donna E. Shalala. We remain in solidarity with Dr. Ibadoghlu and all the unjustly imprisoned scholars and activists who badly need our support. This is event marked the 75th anniversary of the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and is the culmination of a month-long advocacy campaign to free Dr. Ibadoghlu.
On September 14, 2023, the European Parliament adopted an urgent resolution (voting: 539 for, 6 against, and 24 abstentions) on the case of Dr. Gubad Ibadoghlu, demanding his immediate and unconditional release, and called for “EU sanctions under the EU Global Human Rights Sanctions Regime to be imposed on Azerbaijani officials who have committed serious human rights violations.” On the same day, Senator Ben Cardin and Senator Tim Caine informed the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing about Dr. Gubad Ibadoghlu’s case.
The week of August 28th: Baku courts rejected a second appeal for Dr. Ibadoghlu to be transferred to house arrest due to his rapidly deteriorating health. He has reportedly lost over 15kg and is at significant risk for an aortic aneurysm. He continues to be denied proper nutrition and medication. The Red Cross visited the Baku Investigative Detention Center where Dr. Ibahoghlu is being held, but were prevented from seeing him. As a result, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) “has taken temporary interim measures” demanding that the Azerbaijani government ensure the health and safety of Dr. Ibadoghlu.
Addtionally, in an act of blatant intimidation, Dr. Ibadoghlu’s lawyer was called in front of the Azerbaijani Bar Association and warned of the “possible consequences” of her involvement in Dr. Ibadoghlu’s case. These flagrant actions follow an illegal search and seizure of Ibadoghlu’s office.
The week of September 5th: The Azerbaijan government continues to crack down on those demanding Gubad Ibadoghlu’s release. Earlier today, the Interior Ministry imposed a travel ban on Dr. Ibadoghlu’s relatives, barring them from leaving the country.
In an effort to bring greater global attention to Dr. Ibadoghlu’s unjust arrest and to demand his release, the New University in Exile Consortium, along with other academic institutions and human rights organizations, is committed to a Month of Action, beginning on Dr. Ibadoghlu’s birthday, September 12. Check our website to see how you can get involved and visit this post for up-to-date reporting on Dr. Ibadghlu’s case. The Month of Action will culminate with a webinar on October 12, “The Suppression of Academic Voices,” featuring prominent global experts including Judith Butler, Michael Ignatieff, Steven Pinker, and Kenneth Roth.
July 23, 2023

We are deeply distressed to learn that on July 23, 2023, a member of the New University in Exile Consortium Dr. Gubad Ibadoghlu, an Azerbaijani economist was arrested in Azerbaijan.
According to Reuters, Azerbaijani police claim to have found $40,000.00 in an office used by Dr. Ibadoghlu over 10 years ago, in violation of a law on counterfeit currency (it is not clear if the currency allegedly found there is counterfeit). According to his lawyer, Zibeyda Sadigova, the court ordered him to remain in detention for 3 months and 26 days as he awaits trial. Gubad Ibadoghlu, who is the head of the Democracy and Prosperity Party, denies the accusation. Ibadoghlu’s party is not represented in the parliament of Azerbaijan, a country led by its authoritarian President Ilham Aliyev.
Dr. Ibadoghlu is an internationally respected economist having most recently been a Visiting Fellow and Senior Economist at the London School of Economics from September 2021 to June 2023. Previously, he was a Senior Visiting Scholar at the Rutgers University Center for European Studies, a Visiting Researcher at the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton University, and a Fellow at the National Endowment for Democracy. He is a member of the International Board for Extractive Industries Transparency Initiatives (EITI); Chairman of the Board of Azerbaijan Think Tank Alliance (ATTA), member of the Strategy Advisory Board of CAREC Think Tank Network (CTTN), member of Working Groups on “Grand Corruption and State Capture” and “Asset Stolen Recovery” of the UNCAC Coalition – Association for the Implementation of the UN Convention against Corruption and local expert in Anti-Corruption Network for Eastern Europe and Central Asia of the Istanbul Anti-Corruption Action Plan (IAP) 5th Round of Monitoring Assessment Framework of the OECD.
Professor Ibadoghlu’s family, friends, and colleagues are extremely concerned for his well-being. The Consortium is committed to doing everything possible to obtain his release.
Up-to-date reporting and sources regarding Dr. Ibadoghlu’s unjust arrest are included below:
EU Neighbours East, September 15, 2023: “European Parliament calls for release of political prisoners in Azerbaijan“
European Parliament, September 14, 2023: Urgent resolution of 14 September 2023 on the case of Dr Gubad Ibadoghlu, imprisoned in Azerbaijan
The Guardian, September 14, 2023: “Health of LSE academic detained in Azerbaijan at risk, say family“
London School of Economics, September 12, 2023: “Yesterday Sir Julian Lewis MP raised in Parliament the plight of LSE academic Dr Gubad Ibadoghlu, imprisoned in Azerbaijan.“
Open Democracy, September 12, 2023: “Fears grow for political prisoner who probed Azerbaijani cash in London“
Amnesty International, September 7, 2023: Azerbaijan: Authorities must immediately release prominent scholar Gubad Ibadoghlu
Turan News, September 6, 2023: “What did Gubad Ibadoglu’s brother want to achieve in foreign embassies?“
Free Gubad, September 5, 2023: Interview with Irada Bayramova | A Closer Look at Gubad Ibadoglu’s Arrest and the New Accusation Against Him
Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety, September 5, 2023: “ECHR takes “temporary measures” due to Gubad Ibadoglu’ case“
Turan News, September 5, 2023: “Gubad Ibadoglu’s relatives banned to leave the country“
Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety, September 2, 2023: “The court refused to transfer Ibadoglu to house arrest despite the aggravation of health problems“
U.S. Embassy Baku, September 1, 2023: Chargé Guevara met with lawyers for Gubad Ibadoglu to learn more about his case and current condition.
Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, August 24, 2023: PACE rapporteur calls for immediate release of Gubad Ibadoghlu
European Parliament, August 21, 2023: Joint statement on the arrest of Gubad Ibadoghlu and the further deterioration of the human rights situation in Azerbaijan
Turan News, August 18, 2023: “U.S. ‘Deeply Concerned’ About Gubad Ibadoghlu’s Medical Condition“
United Nations Human Rights, August 16, 2023: Statement Demanding Release of Dr. Gubad Ibadoghlu
International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims, August 15, 2023: Statement Demanding Medical Treatment for Gubad Ibadoghlu
Washington Post Opinion, August 11, 2023: “The United States must do more to help Gubad Ibadoghlu“
World Organization Against Torture (OMCT), August 8, 2023: Azerbaijan: Release Gubad Ibadoghlu, renowned academic and activist
Washington Post Opinion, August 6, 2023: “The kleptocracy strikes back. An Azerbaijani economist should be freed.“
Tagesschau, August 3, 2023: “Aliyev tightens the reins“
Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety, August 1, 2023: Court keeps Gubad Ibadoghlu under arrest
Blankspot, July 30, 2023: Framstående opinionsbildare gripen i Azerbajdzjan
Crude Accountability, July 28, 2023: International Civil Society Calls for the Immediate and Unconditional Release of Professor Gubad Ibadoghlu in Azerbaijan
Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety, July 28, 2023: IRFS condemns the politically motivated arrest of Dr. Gubad Ibadoglu and calls for his immediate release
Publish What You Pay, July 28, 2023: Statement on the arrest of Gubad Ibadoghlu
Natural Resource Governance Institute, July 27, 2023: Azerbaijan Must Release Gubad Ibadoglu
Statement by the Civil Society Constituency of the EITI Board, July 27, 2023: We unequivocally demand the immediate and unconditional release of Gubad Ibadoghlu from his wrongful arrest and the immediate dismissal of all fabricated charges against him
Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa, July 27, 2023: Azerbaijan, official Baku goes after its well-known economist
Caucus Watch, July 26, 2023: Arrest of Azerbaijani Opposition Leader Sparks Domestic and International Concerns
The Center for Slavic, Eurasian and East European Studies, July 26, 2023: Statement in Response to Dr. Gubad Ibadoghlu’s Arrest in Azerbaijan
Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety, July 26, 2023: EU calls for urgent release of Gubad Ibadoglu
Radio Free Europe, July 26, 2023: Opposition Leader In Azerbaijan Arrested On ‘Spurious’ Charges, Rights Watchdog Says
Toplum TV, July 26, 2023: A search was conducted in the house of the imprisoned Azerbaijan Democratic and Prosperity Party chairman Gubad Ibadoglu (audio in Azerbaijani)
Turan News, July 26, 2023: EU calls for urgent release of Gubad Ibadoglu
Turan News, July 23, 2023: Lawyer not allowed to see Gubad Ibadoglu
EurasiaNet, July 25, 2023: Prominent Azerbaijani oppositionist arrested, allegedly tortured
Human Rights Watch, July 25, 2023: Azerbaijan: Opposition Leader Arrested. Gubad Ibadoghlu, Renowned Scholar, Faces Spurious Charges
Meydan.TV, July 25, 2023: Renowned economist and opposition leader Gubad Ibadoglu arrested
Meydan.TV, July 25, 2023: Matthew Miller: “The US is closely monitoring the arrest of Gubad Ibadoglu”
OC Media, July 25, 2023: Azerbaijani opposition party chair detained for ‘collusion with a terrorist organisation’
Turan News, July 25, 2023: Committee for Protection of Gubad Ibadoglu’s Rights established
Crude Accountability, July 24, 2023: Urgent: Prominent Economist, Professor Gubad Ibadoghlu Assaulted, Arrested, Denied Critical Medical Care in Azerbaijan
Reuters, July 24, 2023: Azerbaijani opposition figure detained on currency charge
Topulm TV, July 24, 2023: Statement by Irada Bayramova, Dr. Ibadoghlu’s wife, following her release from detention (audio in Azerbaijani)
Turan News, July 24, 2023: The court arrested Gubad Ibadoglu for 4 months
Turan News, July 24, 2023: US closely monitoring Gubad Ibadoglu’s arrest