ONLINE | Book Launch: On Consolation: Finding Solace in Dark Times – with author Michael Ignatieff in conversation with Arjun Appadurai, Avishai Margalit, Elzbieta Matynia, and James E. Miller

Friday, March 25, 2022, 1:00PM to 2:30PM (EDT)

Online | Zoom

Please join us at the launch of On Consolation: Finding Solace in Dark Times, with author Michael Ignatieff in conversation with Arjun Appadurai, Avishai Margalit, Elzbieta Matynia, and James E. Miller.

“When we lose someone we love, when we suffer loss or defeat, when catastrophe strikes—war, famine, pandemic—we go in search of consolation. Once the province of priests and philosophers, the language of consolation has largely vanished from our modern vocabulary, and the places where it was offered, houses of religion, are often empty. (…)

How do we console each other and ourselves in an age of unbelief? In a series of lapidary meditations on writers, artists, musicians, and their works—from the books of Job and Psalms to Albert Camus, Anna Akhmatova, and Primo Levi—esteemed writer and historian Michael Ignatieff shows how men and women in extremity have looked to each other across time to recover hope and resilience” (from the publisher).

Registered attendees will receive the Zoom link via email.

Presented by the Transregional Center for Democratic StudiesSocial Research: An International Quarterly, the Sociology Department, and the Democracy Seminar, at The New School for Social Research.

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