Gubad Ibadoghlu, Ph.D.

Dr. Gubad Ibadoghlu began his career at the Economic Research Center, a Baku-based Think Tank that promotes economic development and good governance. He was a member of the Steering Committee of the EU Eastern Partnership Program’s Civil Society Forum (2011-2012) and served as a representative of Eurasian civil society to the international board of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) from 2013–2019. He was a Research fellow at Central European University, Budapest from 2004-2005, a teaching fellow at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill from 2008-2009, a Fulbright scholar at Duke University from 2015-2016, and a Research Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton University during the 2017-2018 academic year. Before becoming a Senior Visiting Fellow at LSE, he was an affiliated postdoc fellow at the Rutgers’ Centre for European Studies. He taught courses in the Department of Political Science and Economics at Rutgers University during the 2018-2021 academic years.
His research focuses on “petro-capitalism,” particularly the problematic policies adopted by post-Soviet states in the Caspian Sea Region for managing oil revenues. He analyzes how the oil-gas revenues fuel the fire of corruption and authoritarianism, the correlation between the rentier’s state, and challenges for the transition to democracy. Specifically, he is interested in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and Russia, where these policies’ economic, social, and political impact has firmly suppressed civil society efforts to build democratic institutions and defend human rights.
Ph.D. Azerbaijan State University of Economics, 2000
M.A. Azerbaijan State University of Economics, 1992
B.A. Azerbaijan State University of Economics, 1991